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VPIF Valve Position Indicator

Release Time:2020-06-03 08:24:52 View:4232

VPIF Valve Position Indicator

The Valve Position Indicator, model VPIF, is a digital monitoring module for use with Sealed Motor Valves (SMV). The VPIF displays the valve position during normal (automatic) operation. It can also be used to locally open or close the valve. This is particularly helpful when servicing or recalibrating the valve is required.

The large LED readout displays the valve position (in percent). The VPIF contains an internal independent current source, which is switch selectable for 4 mA (close) and 20 mA (open). The VPIF can be mounted on or near the valve for ease of use and visibility. This provides better accessibility for technicians when valves are mounted high in the air or in obstructed areas.

The VPIF can be mounted up to 10 feet (3 meters) in any direction from the valve. VPIEC Extension Cables are available where more length is required.position.

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